A big thank you goes out to all our new customers that rented our kayaks over the holiday weekend. The weather was gorgeous and the Onkaparinga river was so inviting that we even had a paddle ourselves. We had 11 out of our 14 kayaks rented out most of each day and we are encouraged […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...On a wind-swept and rain soaked day, Easy Kayaks took delivery of our long-awaited fleet of sit on top kayaks including family kayaks, single kayaks, and fishing kayaks. The driver, “Rob” very kindly helped us unload them from the shipping container into our temporary storage facility; however, we got absolutely soaking wet in the process. […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...After several frustrating weeks of shipment delays, the Oz Customs Department randomly selected our shipment of new kayaks for X-ray resulting in a further delay of our grand opening. Regrettably, this has cost us bookings and sales for the weekend of 24 February but undeterred, we are offering a 25% discount to customers wanting to […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Thanks to the welding skills and generosity of Rod Marriott, the Easy Kayaks trailer fabrication is now complete. Rod donated three days of his time and excellent engineering skills to help build a steel frame for the trailer to hold up to a maximum of 14 kayaks. Our original design had to be modified as […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Work is underway to fabricate our kayak trailer to hold 12 kayaks for transportation. Our fleet of 40 kayaks arrives this weekend into port and we should have them in our possession by 24/02/12. When the trailer is complete, it will allow us to cater to large rental parties and corporate team building exercises as […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...After a delay in shipping, Easy Kayaks is pleased to announce that our shipment of Easy Kayaks sit-on-top kayaks including our single kayaks, family kayaks, and fishing kayaks, will be available for hire, for sale, and in stock from 24 February, 2012. Apologies and gratitude to all those that have been enquiring about our kayak […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Easy Kayaks was under starters orders when news came through of the delay of our shipment of 40 kayaks. We are so disappointed that the arrival of our kayak fleet of single kayaks, family kayaks, and fishing kayaks has been put back to 25/02/12 as we were ready to open for business next week on […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Please take a look at our range of kayaks for sale as we are offering each model for a pre-arrival Easy Kayaks sale price. If you contact us before 14/02/12 and want to purchase a kayak, we will lock in our sales price for you. We have an excellent range of single, family, and fishing […]
No Comments. Continue Reading...Easy Kayaks is now on Twitter and all future updates to EasyKayaks.com.au will automatically post a tweet to our account at @EasyKayaks. Please follow us as we grow into the recreational water sports community of South Australia.
No Comments. Continue Reading...Australia Day – Celebrate what’s great!.
No Comments. Continue Reading...HIRE CENTRE NEWS (Jan, 2024)
Our hire season is now in full swing.
Easy Kayaks always welcomes walk-on customers; however, it is always recommended that you book ahead to reserve your kayaks and SUPs.
Our booking form can be found at www.easykayaks.com.au/easy-hire.
The Easy Kayaks Team.